Entry 20-761 | South Africa | 2020 | 44’ | Subtitles: Estonian

Frozen Islands

Külmunud saared

Sub-Antarctica, where the mightiest current on Earth flows uninterrupted around our planet and the winds blow incessantly eastward. This vast and icy ocean is peppered by a scattering of tiny islands, inhospitable to man but crucial to the survival of millions of marine animals that are superbly adapted to life in the Southern Ocean and use these islands to breed: Seals, Penguins, Albatross and Southern Right Whales. Life on these islands is not easy and sometimes it is deadly. The world’s greatest hunters, Killer Whales, hunt in the shallows of the islands.


Stefania Muller
Not applicable
Quinn Lubbe/Lubs Mayaba
Quinn Lubbe
Stefania Muller/Edwina Thring/Michael Tear/Bettina Dalton
Production Company
Obsessively Creative
Contact of presenter / Director

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