Tickets and passes


Before the festival

Festival Pass for 30€ and Supporter Pass for 100€ are on presale at Piletilevi sales points and online Piletilevi. When purchasing passes from Piletilevi's sales points and online, a service fee of 1,50 euros per pass is added to the pass price. Festival Pass grants entry to all screenings and events taking place in Lihula. Supporter Pass is an opportunity to show that the festival holds a special place in your heart, you will also have access to any invite-only events during the festival.


During the festival

During the festival the tickets and passes are available at the venue.

  • Dayticket 10€
  • Students and pensioners 8€
  • Festival Pass 30€
  • Supporter Pass 100€ (It's an opportunity to show that the festival holds a special place in your heart, you will also have access to any invite-only events during the festival.)

Free admission for children aged 15 or under!


Tickets over Estonia

  • Kohila screenings - free entry
  • Padise screenings - free entry
  • Mihkli Farm Museum - ticket 3€
  • Rakvere Eragümnaasium - free entry
  • Oru Kultuurisaal - ticket 5€, free admission for Oru school students
  • Narva eesti keele maja (Linda 2c) - free entry
  • Kilingi-Nõmme Klubi - ticket 3€
  • Pärnu Pernova loodusmaja - see ticket info here >>
  • Vormsi Rahvamaja - free entry
  • Pürksi kultuurimaja - free entry
  • Vändra kultuurimaja - free entry
  • Tallinn Zoo - free entry
  • Viljandi Centrum - see ticket info here >>



Lihula Gümnaasium · Lihula Raamatukogu · Lääneranna Noortekeskus